Senior Secondary Level

Meaning and Definition of Economics

-Central Problems of an economy and Problem of choice -

Economic systems; Characteristics and functions

-Consumer equilibrium: Cardinal and ordinal approach

-Demand; Determinants, concept of elasticity of demand

-Production function : Law of variable proportions and Returns to Scale, concepts of costs and revenue and their relationships

-Forms of market: Features and determination of Price and output under perfect competition and monopoly

-National Income; Concepts and their interrelationships; circular flow of National Income, GNP and Welfare

-Money: Meaning and functions; supply of money; functions of commercial banks and central bank

-Government budget: Meaning, objectives, budget deficit

-Meaning and determinants of economic development, characteristics of Under developed countries

-Balance of Payments: Meaning and components

-Problems of Indian Economy: Poverty, Unemployment and inequality

-Economic Planning in India: Objectives, achievements and shortcomings

-12th Five Year Plan in India

-Measures of central tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode

Graduation Level

Theory of consumer behavior under risk and uncertainty, Slutskty’s theorem, ordinary and compensated demand curve -Consumer and producer’s surplus -Price and output determination in imperfect competition

-Macroeconomic variables

-Consumption hypotheses

-Multiplier and Accelerator

-Theories of demand for Money

-Quantity theory of money

-Inflation, Phillip curve

-Objectives and tools of Monetary and Fiscal Policies

-Terms of trade, free trade and protection

-Theories of trade

– comparative cost and opportunity cost

-Foreign Direct Investment, WTO, World Bank and IMF

-Demographic Dividend in India

-Measurement of development, HDI, PQLI -Concepts and measurement of poverty and inequality

-Functional relationship in Economics and use of graphs, measures of dispersion, correlation and Index Number

-Current Industrial Policy and agricultural policy, green revolution and food security

-Main features of economy of Rajasthan; Natural, mineral and Livestock resources; Drought and Famine; tourism development

-Main features of agricultural and industrial development of Rajasthan

-Flagship Programmes of Government of Rajasthan

Post Graduate Level

Welfare economics

– Pareto optimality and new welfare economics

-Concept of Green Accounting

-IS-LM Model

– Relative effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

-Post Keynesian theories of determination of income and output

-Mundell-Fleming Model

-Theories of trade cycle;

Counter Cyclical Policies -Growth Models – Lewis model, Harrod-Domar, Kaldor, Solow -Regression analysis,

Concept of growth rate, methods of data collection, probability

-Economic reforms – Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, External and Financial Sector Reforms -Theories of International Trade – Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem -Current foreign trade policy (2009-14) -Environment and development trade-off and concept of sustainable development

Part – IV (Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning)

1. Importance of Psychology in Teaching-Learning :  Learner,  Teacher,  Teaching-learning process,  School effectiveness.

2. Development of Learner  Cognitive, Physical, Social, Emotional and Moral development patterns and characteristics among adolescent learner.

3. Teaching – Learning :  Concept, Behavioural, Cognitive and constructivist principles of learning and its implication for senior secondary students.  Learning characteristics of adolescent and its implication for teaching.

4. Managing Adolescent Learner :  Concept of mental health and adjustment problems.  Emotional Intelligence and its implication for mental health of adolescent.  Use of guidance techniques for nurturing mental health of adolescent.

5. Instructional Strategies for Adolescent Learner :  Communication skills and its use.  Preparation and use of teaching-learning material during teaching.  Different teaching approaches: Teaching models- Advance organizer, Scientific enquiry, Information, processing, cooperative learning.  Constructivist principles based Teaching.

6. ICT Pedagogy Integration :  Concept of ICT.  Concept of hardware and software.  System approach to instruction.  Computer assisted learning.  Computer aided instruction.  Factors facilitating ICT pedagogy integration.