1. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Senior Secondary Level
Interior of earth, rocks, earthquakes and Volcanoes, Plate techtonics, work of wind, running waters, Glaciers.
Structure and Composition of Atmosphere, Insolation and Heat budget, major climatic regions of World.
Relief features of the Oceans, salinity, tides, ocean currents.
India- Location, physiographic divisions, climate, vegetation, soils. Population: distribution and density and growth. Disaster management: flood, draught, landslides. Major crops, Minerals, Iron and Steel Industry, Cotton and Textile Industry. Environment Pollution, sustainable development.
Human Geography- Definition, scope and principles. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary activities. Transportation communication and Trade. Distribution, density and growth of world Population. Human development concept.
Scales, Projections, Spatial information technology, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation.
2. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Graduation Level
Physical Geography: Isostasy, Earth movements, Inversion of Temperature, pressure belts and wind circulation. Classification of climates of the world: Koppen's, Thornwait. Ocean deposits. Formation of Coral Reefs and Atolls.
Human Geography: Modern school of thought in Human Geographypossibilism, determinism, neo-determinism. Migration its causes and types. Distribution of important races of the world.
Economic Geography: Natural resources and their distribution. Agricultural regions of the world. Industrial regions of the world.
Geography of Thought: Definition, scope, nature and purpose of Geography, contribution of Greek Geographers, Roman Geographers. Works of Humboldt, Ritter, Ratzel, Hartshorne, Huntington, Blache and Carl Saur.
Rajasthan: Physiography, climate, vegetation, soils, irrigation. Major crops, chief minerals, major Industries. Population distribution and density. Desertification, Agro-climate regions.
3. Knowledge of Subject concerned : PG Level
Geography of Thought- Dualism in geography. Behavioural geography. Recent trends in geography. Development of geography in India.
Geomorphology- Fundamental concepts, slope evolution. Application of Geomorphic mapping. Environmental Geomorphology.
Economic Geography- Theories of Plant location: Weber's Least Cost theory. Economic regions of India.
Urban Geography- Origin and growth of Towns in Ancient Medival and Modern period. Umland principles of Town Planning.
Agricultural Geography- Von Thunen's Agricultural Location theory. Green revolution in India. Agro-forestry importance and its scope in India.
Population Geography- Theories of Population: Malthusian and optimum. The population policy of Government of India. Political Geography- Development of Political Geography. Concepts of Mackinder. The Unified field theory of Political Geography by B.S. Jones. Frontiers Boundaries and Buffer zones.
Part – IV (Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning)
1. Importance of Psychology in Teaching-Learning : Learner, Teacher, Teaching-learning process, School effectiveness.
2. Development of Learner Cognitive, Physical, Social, Emotional and Moral development patterns and characteristics among adolescent learner.
3. Teaching – Learning : Concept, Behavioural, Cognitive and constructivist principles of learning and its implication for senior secondary students. Learning characteristics of adolescent and its implication for teaching.
4. Managing Adolescent Learner : Concept of mental health and adjustment problems. Emotional Intelligence and its implication for mental health of adolescent. Use of guidance techniques for nurturing mental health of adolescent.
5. Instructional Strategies for Adolescent Learner : Communication skills and its use. Preparation and use of teaching-learning material during teaching. Different teaching approaches: Teaching models- Advance organizer, Scientific enquiry, Information, processing, cooperative learning. Constructivist principles based Teaching.
6. ICT Pedagogy Integration : Concept of ICT. Concept of hardware and software. System approach to instruction. Computer assisted learning. Computer aided instruction. Factors facilitating ICT pedagogy integration.