1. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Senior Secondary Level

 Interior of earth, rocks, earthquakes and Volcanoes, Plate techtonics, work of wind, running waters, Glaciers.

 Structure and Composition of Atmosphere, Insolation and Heat budget, major climatic regions of World.

 Relief features of the Oceans, salinity, tides, ocean currents.

 India- Location, physiographic divisions, climate, vegetation, soils. Population: distribution and density and growth. Disaster management: flood, draught, landslides. Major crops, Minerals, Iron and Steel Industry, Cotton and Textile Industry. Environment Pollution, sustainable development.

 Human Geography- Definition, scope and principles. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary activities. Transportation communication and Trade. Distribution, density and growth of world Population. Human development concept.

 Scales, Projections, Spatial information technology, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation.

2. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Graduation Level

 Physical Geography: Isostasy, Earth movements, Inversion of Temperature, pressure belts and wind circulation. Classification of climates of the world: Koppen's, Thornwait. Ocean deposits. Formation of Coral Reefs and Atolls.

 Human Geography: Modern school of thought in Human Geographypossibilism, determinism, neo-determinism. Migration its causes and types. Distribution of important races of the world.

 Economic Geography: Natural resources and their distribution. Agricultural regions of the world. Industrial regions of the world.

 Geography of Thought: Definition, scope, nature and purpose of Geography, contribution of Greek Geographers, Roman Geographers. Works of Humboldt, Ritter, Ratzel, Hartshorne, Huntington, Blache and Carl Saur.

 Rajasthan: Physiography, climate, vegetation, soils, irrigation. Major crops, chief minerals, major Industries. Population distribution and density. Desertification, Agro-climate regions.

3. Knowledge of Subject concerned : PG Level

 Geography of Thought- Dualism in geography. Behavioural geography. Recent trends in geography. Development of geography in India.

 Geomorphology- Fundamental concepts, slope evolution. Application of Geomorphic mapping. Environmental Geomorphology.

 Economic Geography- Theories of Plant location: Weber's Least Cost theory. Economic regions of India.

 Urban Geography- Origin and growth of Towns in Ancient Medival and Modern period. Umland principles of Town Planning.

 Agricultural Geography- Von Thunen's Agricultural Location theory. Green revolution in India. Agro-forestry importance and its scope in India.

 Population Geography- Theories of Population: Malthusian and optimum. The population policy of Government of India.  Political Geography- Development of Political Geography. Concepts of Mackinder. The Unified field theory of Political Geography by B.S. Jones. Frontiers Boundaries and Buffer zones.

Part – IV (Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning)

1. Importance of Psychology in Teaching-Learning :  Learner,  Teacher,  Teaching-learning process,  School effectiveness.

2. Development of Learner  Cognitive, Physical, Social, Emotional and Moral development patterns and characteristics among adolescent learner.

3. Teaching – Learning :  Concept, Behavioural, Cognitive and constructivist principles of learning and its implication for senior secondary students.  Learning characteristics of adolescent and its implication for teaching.

4. Managing Adolescent Learner :  Concept of mental health and adjustment problems.  Emotional Intelligence and its implication for mental health of adolescent.  Use of guidance techniques for nurturing mental health of adolescent.

5. Instructional Strategies for Adolescent Learner :  Communication skills and its use.  Preparation and use of teaching-learning material during teaching.  Different teaching approaches: Teaching models- Advance organizer, Scientific enquiry, Information, processing, cooperative learning.  Constructivist principles based Teaching.

6. ICT Pedagogy Integration :  Concept of ICT.  Concept of hardware and software.  System approach to instruction.  Computer assisted learning.  Computer aided instruction.  Factors facilitating ICT pedagogy integration.