1. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Senior Secondary Level

 Home Science - Education meaning, definition, scope, objectives and history.

 Changing concept of different areas of Home Science.

 Definition, functions and classification of foods.

 Nutrients and their composition, sources and functions.

 Balanced Diet.

 Methods of cooking.

 Home Management definition.

 Motivating Factors- value, goals and standard.

 Resources- classification and characteristics.

 Income- definition, meaning and types.

 Budget- steps.

 Saving and Investment

 Fibre- types and properties- Natural and Man-Made

 Yarn construction

 Weaving- types.

 General principles of clothing construction

 Definition of Child Development, Human Development

 Scope of Human Development.

 Principles of growth and Development.

 Role of Heredity and environment.

 Life span stages

.  Types of Development

 Definition of Developmental tasks and different tasks, different stages of human development.

 Characteristics of different age groups and their physiological and behavioral problems.

 Meaning, concepts and scope of special education and classification of children with special needs.

2. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Graduation Level

 Changing concepts of Home Science.

 Areas of Home Science- objectives and scope of each area.

 Professional organizations and Research Institutes, contributing to different areas of Home Science.

 Formal, Non-formal and Informal education.

 Programme planning, Implementation and Evaluation.

 Government and NGO's Development Programmes.

 Meaning, definition, principles and basic elements of extension education.

 Extension teaching methods.

 Communication concepts and meanings.

 Different types of communication Aids.

 Nutrients- their composition and sources.

 Recommended dietary allowances and deficiences.

 Nutritive value of important cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, eggs, meat and fish.

 Methods of cooking- their effects on nutrients and methods of enhancing the nutrients value of foods.

 Selection, purchase and storage of foods.

 Food spoilage.

 Food preservation- importance, principles and methods.

 Food adulteration- causes, identification, preventive and control measures , food laws and standards, labels, etc.  Changing trends in food consumption- fast foods, junk foods etc.

 Nutritional status- concept, assessment methods.

 Principles of meal planning.

 Diets of normal individual of different ages, sex, profession and physiological condition.(Pregnant and lactation)

 Dietary management during different diseases.

 Concept and type of community health and community nutrition.

 Nutrition problems of community and implication for public health.  Current situation in India.

 Nutritional Assessment and Surveillance.

 Nutrition and health communication.

 Management Process- Planning, controlling and evaluation.

 Decision Making.

 Management of Resources- Time, money and energy.

 Work simplification- meaning, importance and its application in various household activities.

 Introduction of foundation of art- design, elements and principle of design.

 House planning/space designing.

 Selection and types of furniture and furnishing.

 Financial and legal consideration- availability of funds for having housing.

 Interior designing and Principles of arrangements.

 Definition, meaning and need of consumer.

 Market, consumer education methods, contents and sources.

 Consumer Aids and consumer protection.

 Taxation- need, types, effect of tax on work and saving.

 Wills and trusts.

 Early identification, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of each category of children with special needs.

 Meaning, importance and objectives of Early Childhood care and Education.

 Different types of Early Childhood Care and Education Centers.

 Meaning and concept of developmentally appropriate programme/practice (DAP). Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Early Childhood Programme.

 Concept of adolescent and adolescence stage and problems of adolescence stage.

 Meaning and definition of marriage, types and functions of marriage, factors of mate selection.

 Meaning and definition of family, types of family

 Population education and dynamics.

 Yarn making, weaving and other methods of fabric construction and their effect on appearance, durability and maintenance of garments.

 Different types of finishes.

 Selection, care and storage of different types of clothes including readymade garments.

 Importance of clothing, social and psychological aspects of clothing.

 Functions of clothing construction drafting and making of paper patterns.

 Body measurement- importance of taking body measurements and its relation to sizes and different types of garments.

 Preparation of fabric cutting- layout, pinning, marking and cutting.

 Wardrobe planning.

 Selection of fabrics and garments for adolescent, men and women.

 Selection and buying fabrics for various users.

 Elements, principles of design in clothing.

 Traditional Textile of India.

 Fashion Terminology and fashion cycle.

3. Knowledge of Subject Concerned : PG Level

 Extension Management and Administration.

 Extension Programme Management

 Adoption and Different of Homestead technologies.

 Participating Extension Approaches – RRA, PRA and PLA.

 Participating Communication.

 Extension Planning methods.

 Communication Strategy.

 Print and Oral Communication.

 Women Empowerment.

 Entrepreneurship.

 Different methods of enhancing the nutritive value of foods – forification.

 Food adulteration – causes, identification preventive and control measures.

 Inter-relationship of agriculture, food, nutrition, health and population.

 Energy needs, basal metabolism and total energy requirement.

 Digestion, absorption and utilization of major nutrients.

 Nutritional Status.  Nutritional problems in the country with special references to Rajasthan Nutrition Intervention.

 Dietary management during different diseases.

 Nutrition Policy in India.

 Nutrition Problems of community and implication for public health.

 Different organizations / Programmes working for children with special needs.

 Administration and Supervision of Early Childhood Care and Education Centres / institutes.

 Need of Guidance and Counseling at each life span stage of development.

 Marital adjustment, legal aspects of marriage. Role of mother and father in the family. Functions (Traditional and Modern) of the family and factors affecting family functions.

 Meaning and stages of family life-cycle.

 Family welfare organizations (Government and Non Government) in India.

 Parenting Styles and impact of these styles on the children.

 Family planning measures, Reproductive Health.

 Family disorganization.

 Factors influencing residential planning.

 Space designing according to various activities and family needs.

 Kitchen – Types and Storage ergonomics.

 Illumination – purpose, Types, Lightening – types – unit of measurement, glare, Fixtures – types & selection.

 Furniture – types & selection.

 Furnishing & accessories - types & selection.

 Work ergonomics – Meaning & Concept.

 Work Physiology – Introduction, definition & types of work static and dynamic.

 Physiological factors influencing.

 Working environment.

 Fashion terminology, sources, fashion cycle and season.

 Factors favouring of fashion cycle and season, Consumer demand and fashion marketing and fashion change.

 Paper pattern – basic designing

 Draping

 Readymade Garment need and Criteria.

 Future trends in fashion technology.

 Dyes and their effects.

Part – IV (Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning)

1. Importance of Psychology in Teaching-Learning :  Learner,  Teacher,  Teaching-learning process,  School effectiveness.

2. Development of Learner  Cognitive, Physical, Social, Emotional and Moral development patterns and characteristics among adolescent learner.

3. Teaching – Learning :  Concept, Behavioural, Cognitive and constructivist principles of learning and its implication for senior secondary students.  Learning characteristics of adolescent and its implication for teaching.

4. Managing Adolescent Learner :  Concept of mental health and adjustment problems.  Emotional Intelligence and its implication for mental health of adolescent.  Use of guidance techniques for nurturing mental health of adolescent.

5. Instructional Strategies for Adolescent Learner :  Communication skills and its use.  Preparation and use of teaching-learning material during teaching.  Different teaching approaches: Teaching models- Advance organizer, Scientific enquiry, Information, processing, cooperative learning.  Constructivist principles based Teaching.

6. ICT Pedagogy Integration :  Concept of ICT.  Concept of hardware and software.  System approach to instruction.  Computer assisted learning.  Computer aided instruction.  Factors facilitating ICT pedagogy integration.