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Customer Testimonials

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" Very excellent environment for teaching..and also extra hours after class..pleased with study pravesh "
Vinay Kumar December 17, 2015
" I got 19th Rank in GATE just because of Study Pravesh's Intitutes Teaching methods and my dedication. "
Surbhi Gupta December 17, 2015
" Very Experienced & Dedicated Faculty.. "Thanks to study pravesh
Satish Kumar December 17, 2015
" Very good methodology opted for teaching.. "Thanks to study pravesh
Umashanker December 17, 2015
I got 36th Rank in GATE just because of Engineers Academy Teaching methods and my dedication.
Arpita Debnath December 07, 2015
Every learner can get benefit from Study Pravesh. Very Experienced & Dedicated Faculty..
Shikha Sharma January 05, 2019
I am impressed by the services they are offering. Students like me can take admission from the and can save few bucks. I suggest other students and parents to check the vast list of schools, coaching institutes and colleges at
Vipin Gupta January 05, 2019

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